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My favorite savings sites

I know that it may be hard to believe, but many of the hints I pass on to you here, are yours for the taking, if you just know where to look.  I’m providing you with a list of my favorite sites, so that you don’t miss out on any deals.  Often there are great deals, but since they aren’t something that interests me, I don’t pass them on.  I mean, someone is probably DIEING for a mx400 laser mouse at a great price, but I’m not, so you won’t see deals like that posted here.

So without further ado, here are my favorite sites.

http://www.southernsavers.com – This is the one that I use for all my grocery shopping/coupon matching.  If you grocery shop, (and really who doesn’t grocery shop?), you should use this site!  Jenny (the site author) creates customizable lists for just about every store out there, matches up coupons with the items that are on sale, and even posts links for printing the online coupons right with the items.  I just print out my grocery list, fold my coupons up into it, and I’m ready to go!  She even has lists for Target and the major drug stores like CVS and Walgreens.

http://www.slickdeals.net – This site is a smorgasbord of various savings.  These are posted by users, so it is always good to research the deal before you run out to a store.  Still some of my favorite “non-grocery” deals have come from this site.  Many of the deals are through online vendors, or are YMMV (your mileage may vary – an online term that warns you may or may not be able to get the same deal).  That being said, Chris and I have snatched up some SWEET deals using this site for toys to stash for Christmas/birthdays,  tech (items for the computer), and media (DVDs, music, etc).

http://www.woot.com http://www.kids.woot.com – Oooh, the joy of the woot!  This site is kind of strange, but very addictive.  Woot sells only one item on their website a day.  Sometimes the item to be sold sells out before you can even tell if it is a good deal (a sure sign it is, in fact, a good deal), and sometimes the items will sell all day until they start the next day’s items.  They post the “new” item for the day at 1AM EST.  In addition to the basic woot.com, they recently launched kids.woot.com which has one KIDS focused item every day.  On both sites you are allowed to purchase up to three of that item. I have found several good deals on both websites.  There shipping price is rather unique.  $5 will ship up to three of whatever the item is that day.  Buy a flat screen TV?  The cost to ship is $5.  Buy THREE flat screen TVs in the same order? Still pay just $5 to get them all delivered to your house.

http://www.couponmom.com – This site’s author does something similar to what you get on southernsavers.com’s website, but not quite as well.  She does not track pricing trends, but she will tell you what percentage of discount a sale price is.  She also has a very good coupon search engine for printed (i.e. from the newspaper inserts) coupons if you need to see if there is a coupon for an item you need that is not on sale.

These are the sites I love to check on most every day.  Do you have a site you love to go to for the best deals?  If so, please share!

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